No time may be better to witness this facet of Vietnamese life than during an actual holiday celebration. If you visit Vietnam during Tet, the lunar New Year, be prepared for shops to close down for three days. On the whole, it is a time when families come together. It is one of the Vietnam holidays when people leave the cities and head to the countryside. Many people who live in urban areas grew up in the countryside and still have relatives who live there. If you are in a busy tourist area, there may be places that will remain open to accommodate visitors.
Travel to Sapa, in the highlands, to get a sense of what family life was like many years ago. Sapa residents have kept their traditions over the years and still dress in traditional costumes. In contrast, Ho Chi Minh City is a bustling metropolis that changes daily. However, even in Ho Chi Minh City the architecture speaks to a time of French colonialism tucked alongside modern high rises. The more places tourists can see during Vietnam holidays the more they will be amazed with the country.
One of the most unique places in Vietnam are the river markets on the Mekong delta in the southern most part of Vietnam. Most of Vietnam's rice crop is grown in this densely populated region of the country. Visitors can take boat tours along the river to get a true sense of the importance of the river to the economy and the culture. Vietnam holidays would not be complete without a stop at one of the floating markets. The boats have long upright poles at their bows to display samples of their products. Although, most of the goods are farm products, tourists should be able to find something to buy, if only for the experience.
John Black writes about many topics. Click on the links to discover more about taking a Vietnam Holidays and Vietnam Travel.
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